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bonne amie中文是什么意思

用"bonne amie"造句"bonne amie"怎么读"bonne amie" in a sentence


  • 女朋友


  • Having seen adele comfortably seated in her little chair by mrs . fairfax s parlour fireside , and given her her best wax doll which i usually kept enveloped in silver paper in a drawer to play with , and a story - book for a change of amusement ; and having replied to her revenez bientot , ma bonne amie , ma chere mdlle
    我看到阿戴勒舒舒服服地坐在费尔法克斯太太的客厅炉火边的小椅子上,给了她最好的蜡制娃娃平时我用锡纸包好放在抽屉里玩,还给了一本故事书换换口味。听她说了“ evenez
用"bonne amie"造句  
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